How to Minimise Your Impact on The Environment

With growing environmental awareness, there are a number of easy, everyday ways in which you can reduce your ecological footprint, whether it be in the home, garden, or whilst you’re out and about.

In the Home

One quick and easy way in which you can reduce your impact on the environment is by turning off your electronics when you are not using them, as well as being sure to select energy-efficient light bulbs and home appliances. You can save the electricity used by tumble drying your clothing, instead allowing your clothes to dry naturally on the washing line.

You can also be more mindful of energy usage by ensuring that you have the most energy-efficient equipment, such as good quality circulating pumps and central heating pumps. For example, a Grundfos central heating pump can use up to 80% less energy than many comparable pumps. This is not only good for the environment as a result of a reduction in energy consumption and CO2 emissions, but it will also help you save approximately a notable percentage on your annual electricity bill.

In the Garden

There are a number of steps you can take to reduce your ecological footprint whilst in the garden, such as collecting rainwater for watering your plants instead of using tap water. Watering your plants early in the morning or late at night can significantly reduce water loss as a result of evaporation. Installing a water-efficient irrigation system can also be a worthwhile investment in reducing water usage.

Organic waste from the kitchen can be turned into soil-enriching manure, simply by making a compost bin. Sweeping fallen flowers and leaves into your flowerbeds and under shrubs is also a great way of improving soil fertility and reducing the need to water as frequently. Be sure to avoid using chemicals in your garden, as they can end up in the water table. A number of organic and environmentally friendly fertilisers are available which are better for wildlife and will not contribute towards pollution.

Out & About

When you’re shopping, remember to take a re-usable bag and try and purchase local or in-season fruit and vegetables, as this will not contribute towards the transport costs of importing produce. You can also be more environmentally conscious in the workplace, simply by printing on both sides of paper and being sure to switch off computers, instead of leaving them on standby.

When it comes to transport, reducing air travel is another effective way of improving your ecological footprint, in addition to using public transport or cycling/walking instead of driving. Disposing of rubbish responsibly is another crucially important aspect whether you are at home or abroad, as this can have a hazardous effect on wildlife.

In booking a holiday, you may wish to do some research before choosing a destination in order to determine whether the area or the resort you are planning to visit is environmentally sensitive and responsible.

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